Three Unique Things About The 'Humble' Bawumia - Kojo Oppong Nkrumah Outlines

Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has revealed three unique characteristics of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, which he said, inspire him.

Addressing NPP delegates in Ofoase Ayirebi, where he is MP, during Dr. Bawumia's campaign visit to the constituency, the Minister described Dr. Bawumia as a humble servant

"I have learnt some things from Dr. Bawumia which I have never mentioned. Today, I will reveal them, and they are three unique things," Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said.

"The first is he listens. He is somebody who puts his ears onnthe ground and also listens to advice. There are some people when they are elevated to higher positions, they think they know it all so they don't listen to anybody. But for Dr Bawumia, he listens. He will even consult himself," he added.

He continued; "The second is his commitment and dedication. The Vice President is always committed to whatever he does, whether for the party or government. He is the one who goes to the front line to always defend the party in difficult situations. Sometimes, it is obvious he will be attacked but he still commits himself. For example, he sacrificed his reputation and career for the NPP, including risking his reputation to defend the party in court."

"The third thing I have learnt is Bawumia’s depth of knowledge and his quest and humility to always seek more information."

"He always seeks knowledge on something before he acts. As a result, he is always asking for data on a subject to know more about the issue before he acts."

On the internal NPP contest to elect a new flagbearer, Hon. Oppong Nkrumah said Dr Bawumia is the best candidate  stressing "Dr. Bawumia has served our party and government so well. When we needed men to defend the party, Bawumia offered himself. If it is now time to honour men. Who deserves the honour?"

He pledged that he and his constituents will vote for Dr. Bawumia to become flagbearer of the NPP.