Polygamy Is Not From Bible...Don't Bring It Into Church! - Counselor Charlotte Oduro Warns

Lady Pastor Counselor Charlotte Oduro has issued a stern warning to the believers in polygamous marriage not to extend their teachings to Christians, hoping for the chruch to accept polygamous practice.

According to her, polygamy is unbiblical and not supported by God.

However, to her, to marry more than a wife is a man's choice but isn't right and therefore warned the proponents of polygamy to keep their beliefs to themselves.

"Polygamy is not from the Bible. He created male and female. If you want to marry two wives, it is your choice. Don't bring God into it! Nobody should bring polygamy into the church. If you believe in your polygamy, let it stay there. It is not biblical!!", she said on UTV's "United Showbiz" on Saturday.

Counselor Charlotte Oduro made these submissions in relation to a viral sermon by Bishop Dag Heward Mills, the General Overseer of Lighthouse Chapel, purportedly endorsing polygamy.

"Nature even supports polygamy. There is no animal that has only one wife...Nobody knows when it became a sin", he told his congregation during their "Give Thyself Wholly" Conference.