It's Not My Responsibility To Fix Streetlights - Central Regional Minister Admonishes MMDCEs

Central Regional Minister, Mrs. Justina Marigold Assan has urged the various Municipal, Metropolitan and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) to, as matter of urgency, fix up their streetlights which are not working.

Mrs. Assan indicated that "it so pathetic when some people sit on radio and bitterly insult me when street lights within the municipalities are not working; find it so demeaning".

She stressed; "It is as if the people don't really know what the various MMDCES supposed to do for them".

Speaking at the Regional Coordinating Council meeting with the various Heads of departments in the Region, Mrs. Marigold Assan entreated the MMDCES to educate the populace on their responsibilities.

"MMDCES, I think you are losing or are missing out on something you need to do. I therefore plead with you to start engaging your community members, do townhall meetings, start getting closer to them. Let them know why you are there and what you can do to support them."

The Minister was also disappointed about the alarming rate of the teenage pregnancies in the Region and urged the MMDCES to organize programmes to sensitize teenagers on the effects of early pregnancies.

She further appealed to the President of the Central Regional House of Chiefs, Odeefo Amoakwa Buadu VI to help the Regional Coordinating Council in resolving the chieftaincy disputes in the Region to ensure peace.