Leaked Tape: IGP Will Be Removed By the Next Election - Asani Tanoh Claims

"I am confident that; in my thinking, the IGP will not be there by the next election, it is clear..." political analyst Yaw Asani Tanoh claims.

The Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare, appeared before the parliamentary probe committee investigating a leaked tape containing a plot to oust him from office and dispelled a number of allegations against him by COP Alex Mensah and Superintendent George L. Asare.

Dr Dampare disclosed that he was not part of a decision to interdict three officers. He said the decision was taken by the Police Council and he recused himself from it.


Three police officers involved in the leaked tape which contains a discussion about why Dr George Akuffo Dampare should be removed from office were interdicted. 

However, the decision to interdict the officers was suspended.
Asani Tanoh speaking to this on Neat FM's 'Me Man Nti' program suspects President Akufo-Addo was behind the reversal of the interdiction decision.

According to him, "no other person can do that other than President Akufo-Addo because we are in the known that His Excellency Mahamudu Bawumia was in the meeting, IGP was not there, the Interior Minister was there, other top, top people were there. So, if these top-class people have taken a decision and within 24 hours, there was a directive to reverse that decision, it means there’s something fishy somewhere".

"In the first place, you have dented the credibility of the Chairman of the Police Council which is Mahamadu Bawumia; unless they come out to give us a very cogent explanation," he said. 

"He (Dampare) will be removed (and) these machinations are the genesis of it. For someone to de-interdict the interdicted personnel, beats my imagination," he further noted.