'Nearly 800000 Ghanaians Are Cocoa Farmers' - COCOBOD's Cocoa Management System Captures

Ghana COCOBOD has implemented a Cocoa Management System (CMS) as part of measures in addressing the challenges in the cocoa sector.

The Cocoa Management System, according to the Chief Executive Officer of COCOBOD, Joseph Boahen Aidoo, has been effectively rolled out and currently 790000 cocoa farmers across the nation have been captured in their database.

He said in an interview on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo" that what inspired him and his team to establish the CMS, an infrastructure for the advancement of the cocoa sector, is that when he assumed office, he realized there has been no better system in recording the data of cocoa farmers in the country.

"When I came to COCOBOD, there was no data on farmers. Everything was guess estimate but, as a research fellow, I cannot use guess estimate. We had to get an empirical data for it and this is why I decided that we should build a farmer database", he told Kwami Sefa Kayi.

Regarding the CMS, Mr. Boahen Aidoo, also revealed that currently, every cocoa farm in Ghana has a digital address.

"We have a digital address system for every farm in Ghana. So, my farm for instance, if I want you to go there, I'll just give you the coordinates and you will drive straight to the farm", he narrated.