Oliver Vormawor, Boys Insist On Occupying Jubilee House

In defiance of a police warning, a group calling itself Democracy Hub has called on the public to gather at the 37 bus terminal in Ghana on Thursday for a three-day demonstration at the seat of government.

The Accra Regional Command of the Ghana Police Service had filed an application against the picketers in court.

“As we wait for the court to determine the matter, we wish to urge the public to take note and disregard any calls from any individuals or groups encouraging them to assemble for a demonstration at the Jubilee House,” a press release issued and signed by Superintendent Juliana Obeng, Head of Public Affairs at the Accra Regional Police Command, on Wednesday, September 20 said.

“We equally wish to urge the organisers to respect the due process in the interest of public order and public safety,” the release indicated.

However, the group stated that it had not been served and urged the public to ignore any statement from the police discouraging them from attending the demonstration.

The organisers argued that the filing of the application does not prevent them from exercising their constitutional rights.

“Further, we want the general public to know that throughout our engagement with the Police, they kept up ruse, making us believe that they will respect the law and fulfill their obligations under the Public Order Act,” the Convenor said in a statement later on Wednesday.

“We are appalled by the desperate and likely partisan attempts by the Police to disrupt peaceful and democratic mobilization for our upcoming Occupy Jubilee House picket”, saying “the mere filing of an application does not prevent the exercise of constitutional rights”.