Alan Is Leading Himself to Doom - Allotey Jacobs

Bernard Allotey Jacobs says Alan Kyerematen, who has resigned from the New Patriotic Party, is treading on dangerous ground.

According to Allotey Jacobs, the decision by Alan to contest as independent candidate and his exit from the NPP will go against him.

"He is leading himself to doom," he said.

He explained that, "politics is by numbers. If you don't touch base with the people, forget it if you want any position. When you are also in a party and you don't help those following you economically, forget it" and, to him, Alan doesn't command the numbers.

The former NDC Central Regional Chairman noted that those supporting Alan's independent candidacy are only giving him false hope.

As an experienced politician who once held the position of a Propaganda Secretary for his former political party, Allotey warned that the former Trade Minister will feel the heat after the New Patriotic Party's presidential race when the party elects its flagbearer.

His obvious choice of flagbearer for the New Patriotic Party being Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Allotey Jacobs cautioned Alan Kyerematen against competing with Dr. Bawumia in the 2024 elections.

"Don't underestimate Bawumia's flagbearership. Don't take to chance," he stated.

He advised the two-time Trade Minister and former Ambassador to United States to reconsider his decision, stressing "the fact is that when you are not close to the power or the powers that be, forget it; you are nobody!"