Businessman Nana Kobo Donates Items To Senior Correction Centre In Accra

Popular business mogul and philanthropist, Nana Kobo has shown love by donating to inmates at the Senior Correction Centre in Accra.

The items include sacks of rice, boxes of bottled water, packs of assorted drinks, toiletries and many others.

The businessman, who is also the patron of Priority Salvation Ministry, also donated an undisclosed amount of money to the facility.

The gesture is to mark the 4th anniversary of Priority Salvation Ministry.

Nana Kobo also served the inmates with good food.

The businessman was supported by Chief, Queen mothers and prominent people in the entertainment industry including musician, Kwabena Kwabena.

As a role model, he believes his influence and donation will impact positively on the lives of the inmates.

Nana Kobo shared his grass to grace story to assure the inmates that all hope is not lost.

“What I will tell you is that don’t lose hope. Don’t give up on life because challenges are part of life. Nothing comes easy in this life. You will suffer and face challenges but at the end of the day, you’ll be successful”, he stressed.

He encouraged them to leverage on some of the opportunities offered by the prison and turn their lives around when they eventually leave the facility.

“We built our life slowly and methodically. We fell down but didn’t stay there and that is why we are here today. Let your lives reflect that of Christ so that one day you’ll have testimonies. God bless you all and lift you up from your current challenges”, he added.

Musician Kwabena Kwabena entertained the inmates with some of his hit and inspirational songs and encouraged them to keep their hopes alive.

He expressed profound gratitude to Nana Kobo for coming to the aid of the inmates.

A Prison officer who received the items on behalf of the inmates thanked Nana Kobo for the donation.