I Wouldn't Be Surprised if Heads Start Rolling Soon Among State CEOs - Ernest Owusu-Bempah Writes

There are some Akufo-Addo appointed CEOs who are just comfortable in their positions and care very little about the public image of the government that made it possible for them to have a job.

Well, if you're a CEO and think it is not your job to defend the government when it comes under attack, think again.

In fact, it is the job and responsibility of every appointee to look after the goose that lays the golden egg, and I'm sure President Akufo-Addo is closely monitoring and watching all CEOs of parastatal institutions who simply don't want to dirty their hands for the good of the government that they're part of.

The tragedy of Julius Caesar, otherwise referred to as the "Ides of March" was foretold in the Shakespearean era and despite the soothsayer's two attempts to warn Caeser, he didn't pay attention to the warnings.

I wouldn't be surprised if heads start rolling soon among the CEOs.

Good day, my people 😎😎