Re: Open Letter To The National Democratic Congress


We write with utmost disgust about your open letter to the National Democratic Congress beginning with the ideals for the formation of our great Party.

We shall not make reference to that because we understand that the highest governing body of the Party, know that very well. We shall not also paraphrase your witch-hunting, concocted, premeditated story which you are describing as a research.

However, we are responding to your unfounded allegations one after the other but before we proceed to address the unpalatable description of Hon. Armah Kofi Buah by you, we shall acknowledge the wonderful services he had offered to the whole of Nzemaland and beyond.

Hon Armah Kofi Buah's services in particular has pushed the developmental agenda of Gwira forward. I entreat you never to slay your chicken that lays the golden eggs.
Now, to your unprofessional research issues.

1. First and foremost, the allegation that Chairman Nana Toku and Hon. Armah Kofi Buah were the main architects that were preventing the conduct of the primaries in Evalue-Ajomoro- Gwira is untrue fallacious and self egocentric as the two respectful persons being accused by you, are not members of NEC nor FEC hence, cannot be the architects.

2. You claimed that in the 2020 General elections, the Western Caucus in Accra donated a Toyota Hilux, Jerseys, motor-bike, T-shirts and cash to Evalue-Ajomoro-Gwira but Hon Armah Kofi Buah kept the car, motor-bike and cash for his own campaign at Ellembelle.

Mr quack and fictitious researcher, your claims are untrue, fabricated, malicious and defamatory of character which might subject you to provide your evidence in a court of law.

Hon Armah delivered all the items at Madam Charlotte Cobbinah's house in the presence of the Constituency Executives which the Chairman carried all away and only gave two each of the T-shirts to each Constituency Executive member on that day. He, Chairman Ennor Kofi later misappropriated the T-shirts which led me to subject him to a cold fight.

The cash was also handed over to the Chairman but he never opened up on how it was used and for what purpose to any of the Constituency Executives till this very day. With the motor - bikes, I can attest to it that they were handed over to the Chairman, myself and Hon Kofi Arko Nokoe, the PC then, and now MP at Hon. Armah Kofi Buah's house.

The Chairman, Ennor Kofi dishonestly ignored laid down procedures and handed over one of the motorbikes to Alexander Kwofie who had defected from NPP to NDC at the expense of the old Branch Executives at Gwira Eshiem.
I am reliable informed that the motor-bike has been sold.

3. Your general statement that " the good people of Evalue - Ajomoro-Gwira are aware that Hon. Armah Kofi Buah sabotaged Former MP, Hon Kweku Tanikyi Kessie" is fake. This clearly exposed your naivety in politics as well as your divisive tactics you want to adopt.

Firstly, let me remind you of the role Hon. Armah Kofi Buah played in the extension of the Rural Electrification project to extend electricity from Gwira Aiyinase to Central Gwira, and part of Northern Gwira. The two MPs at the time, Hon.Tanikyi and Hon Buah assiduously teamed up and worked together to have that happened.

Firstly, let me remind you of the role Hon. Armah Kofi Buah played in the extension of the Rural Electrification project to extend electricity from Gwira Aiyinase to Central Gwira, and part of Northern Gwira. The two MPs at the time, Hon.Tanikyi and Hon Buah assiduously teamed up and worked together to have that happened.

Hon. Armah Kofi Buah was the substantive Minister for Energy.
The same, good people of Evalue-Ajomoro-Gwira from the 5 traditional Councils have honored Hon. Armah Kofi Buah and labeled as a reincarnate of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
For example, at Nsein Traditional Area, he still has the title, Nkosuohene.

4.The point 4 raised by you indicated that information gathered from your research, showed that Hon. Armah Kofi Buah and Nana Toku spearheaded the suspension of Chairman Ennor Kofi.

My questions to you which I need answers from you as well are as follows:

Question 1.

Is the Chairman above reproach and sanctions should he contravene any portion of the articles of the Party Constitution?

If yes, the Chairman was suspended based on misconduct and his recalcitrant behavior and abuse of the Chairman's office.

Question 2.
Who instigated the Chairman to suspend his Vice Chairman and me, the former Secretary when he had no power to suspend do so?

Question 3.
When the Chairman uconstitutionally suspended Jewel Angate Borsah and terminated the tenure of office for the Zonal Coordinators, who instigated the Chairman's unwarranted and incompetent actions?

I put it to you that you are fake in research data collection, analysis and findings. Above all, you are intellectually dishonest.

5. You claimed that it had come to your notice that Hon. Armah Kofi Buah, Hon. Isaac Adjei Mensah, Hon. Dorcas Afo Toffey and Hon. Joana Gyan Cudjoe were collaborating with Charlotte Cobbinah, the Regional Deputy Women's Organizer, to dish out GH¢10,000 for the delegates to vote for Hon Kofi Arko.

This is an indirect insult to the delegates which could be reasoned out to mean, they don't use their conscience in choosing an effective leader.

This, your assumptions can be termed as psychiatry condition known as hallucination. In other words you might be equally suffering from dementia, a nutritional disorder due to your old age, Mr senior citizen.

6. For your point 6, I was tempted to state here categorically that NDC is a discipline Party and would not yield to infantile allegations. How many times have you won election through clean hands.

Mr quack researcher, I want you to note that the delegates at Evalue - Ajomoro-Gwira are not empty barrels that you think they must succumb to your unfathomable liars.

We are moving forward and we shall never entertain any backward march.

Sincerely Yours,



Hon. Kofi Arko Nokoe (MP)
Evalue Ajomoro Gwira Constituency

The Constuency Chairman/Secretary,
Evalue Ajomoro Gwira

All Branch Executives
Dated: 6th October 2023