Get Fit In 15 Minutes: Celebrity Personal Trainer Reveals The Best Exercises To Tone Arms


To tone arms, celebrity personal trainer Nadya Fairweather ( suggests downward dog alternating touchbacks.

Start in a high plank position with shoulders above hands and feet hip-width apart. Ensure you have a solid torso position.

Without shuffling your hands back, stick your bottom in the air and push your weight back. Touch your right hand to your left shin or foot. Bring your weight forward and return to the high plank position.

Repeat, touching your left hand to your right shin or foot. Keep alternating from left to right.

Beginners should start with four taps then rest, and try for ten sets. Intermediates ought to work for 20 seconds, rest for ten and do eight sets. Advanced exercisers can aim for a minute with a ten-second rest, and three to five sets.


Losing arm fat isn’t going to happen overnight, says nutritionist Lola Biggs ( However, a good diet can help turn fat into muscle — so be patient.

Fibre-filled foods, such as nuts, seeds, whole grains and fruits, help you feel fuller for longer, so you snack less. Incorporate protein-rich foods such as eggs, fatty fish and lean meat, too.

Cutting down on processed and sugary foods may also help, as high sugar consumption can lead to an increase in insulin, meaning calories are stored as fat.

Upping your water intake can help you lose arm fat, too, by increasing that full feeling and temporarily boosting metabolism.