Akosombo Dam Spillage: We Share Your Pains - Prof. Agyekum Consoles Affected Residents

Head of Linguistics at the University of Ghana, Professor Kofi Agyekum has commiserated with the affected residents in Volta Region where the Akosombo dam spillage is happening.

At least, 26,000 people have been reportedly displaced along the lower Volta Basin as of Monday as officials continue to take stock of the extent of devastation caused by the spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams.

His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has paid the Region a visit to assess the impact of the disaster and assured the victims of government's support.

Discussing the spillage during Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", Professor Kofi Agyekum was left in a dilemma as he noted that although the residents have been displaced due to the floods, it is however necessary that the dams will be opened to allow the free flow of water in order to save it from a potential collapse.

He opined that if the spillage doesn't happen, it will be extremely catastrophic to the entire country.

Nonetheless, he asked the government together with the relevant stakeholders to offer a better alternative to help the residents as well as relocating them to keep them safe, especially in an event where the Akosombo dam has to be spilled again.

"We are mourning with them. We share their pains. As we talk, we haven't had information that someone has died. We pray to avoid that because everything we are saying is replaceable but when a person dies, it is impossible to replace. May God be with them," Prof. Agyekum expressed his sympathies to the victims.