Retract And Apologize For Your Religious Bigotry, NPP NASARA Tells Sam George

The Nasara Wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), and indeed, the entire Party, has noted with disbelief and shock comments by Hon Sam George, NDC MP for Ningo Prampram on Tuesday, 7th November, 2023, on Metro TV, scolding H.E Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the Vice President of the Republic and flag bearer of the NPP, for visiting churches, and described him as a RELIGIOUS PROSTITUTE. Sam George also attacked the religious beliefs and practices of Alhaji Bawumia.

We do not only find the comments by Hon Sam George very terrible but also incendiary and reckless particularly coming from an MP. Such religious bigotry is one that portends a great danger to the peace and stability of this great nation. Sam George needs to be reminded that we have come a long way as a country in fostering religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence particularly among Muslims and Christians.

Indeed, Ghana, has, for centuries served and continues to serve as a bastion of religious tolerance in Africa and beyond. This is in line with the teachings of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, both of which admonish us to live in peace and harmony without regard to any perceived religious differences. We are a one Ghana, a one people, and a one nation united by common destiny.

It is this age long practice of ours that has allowed Muslims including ‘Muslim politicians’ to accept invitations to worship in churches. It is this practice that has allowed Christians including ‘Christian politicians’ to accept invitations to worship in mosques. Since when does this act of religious coexistence become abominable for Sam George to come calling Dr. Bawumia “a Muslim by day and Christian by night”?

Is Sam George suggesting that the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osumanu Shaributu, who on several occasions, visits churches to worship with Christians in the spirit of religious harmony, is also a Muslim by day and Christian by night? Is Sam George suggesting that Hon. Haruna Iddrisu, Hon Muntaka Mubarak and the many Muslim politicians who visit churches from time to time are not proper Muslims? Are they all religious prostitutes? In any case, who is Sam George to tell Muslims how to practice their faith? How much does he know about Islam?

Sam George can, as he is widely known, be reckless in many respects and still be forgiven, but he cannot be forgiven if he extends his recklessness to matters of religion and faith. We cannot allow Sam George to destroy this country for his selfish political gains. We equally cannot allow his likes in the NDC, notably Fiifi Kwertey, HE John Daramani Mahama among others, to stoke needless political tension in the country for political expediency.

The NPP therefore calls on all right-thinking members of society especially CSOs, the Parliament of Ghana, religious bodies and traditional leaders to join us to wholeheartedly condemn Sam George’s utter recklessness and demand of him, at least for the sake of the office he occupies, to retract his inflammatory and dangerous comments, and apologize unconditionally for this disservice to our motherland.