Any African President Or Leader Who Cannot Condemn LGBTQ+ Has Been 'Bribed' - Sam George

Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram and a strong proponent of Ghana's anti-LGBTQ+ bill, Sam George has dropped a bombshell on the leaders in Africa who find it difficult to publicly condemn and rule out homosexual practices.

Sam George who is currently in the United States, in an interview with Abeiku Santana on Okay FM's drive time "Ekwanso Dwoodwoo" today, shockingly disclosed that every African leader who has refused to condemn the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+), therefore to support the criminalization of their activities, has been bribed by those in control of the homosexual community.

He dared any President or leader in any African country to step up and prove him wrong.

The Ghanaian lawmaker has been crystal clear and emphatic on his position regarding LGBTQ+ matters describing it as a non-human right and he is a member of the framers of the anti-gay bill before Parliament aimed at setting a standard for the Ghanaian society.

The bill is to officially declare homosexual acts illegal and punishable by law to the extent that persons who affiliate themselves with the LGBTQ+ community or promote it may face a jail term.

Reiterating his position on Okay FM, Sam George stated categorically that "any African leader who cannot condemn LGBTQ outright has gone for money from those people and I'm daring any African leader to step up and prove me wrong. Because if you have not received money, so is afraid they will disown you when you speak against them, there is no African leader who will say African culture accepts LGBTQ...You've been corrupted".

"If any African President or leader cannot speak against LGBTQ, I state categorically that it is because the person has received money" to keep mute, he exclaimed and asked the African leaders; "what do you fear?" 

Sam George maintained that homosexuality is "not a human right issue because this year marks 75 years since we got the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that the UN formed in 1948. This year is exactly 75 years since we signed the UN declaration of human rights and we take this UN declaration as the human right accepted worldwide. The rights are 30 in number and none of them says LGBTQ is a right. None of them tell gender identity is a right".

He further argued that Article 2 of UN Declaration of Human Right states "you will not discriminate on the basis of sex. It didn't say on the basis of gender identity", so challenged "those claiming gender identity is human right should show any international law that proves gender identity to be a human right".

Sam George emphasized that sex is binary, hence must only exist between a male and female.