Hon Yaw Buaben Asamoa Writes… “Alan Will Win”

I have news for you. Millions of voters fed up with ‘government by the powerful, with the powerful, for the benefit of the powerful’ are preparing to vote against the system that creates the powerful. They will vote for Alan because he offers decency and the promise of actual delivery. He is a difference maker.

Government for the powerful, is the self-centred two party dominance that excludes all other opinions and needs. It forces you to accept what the powerful want instead of what your vote needs. It is the duopoly that is ignoring your dreams and sinking your future.

Imagine my shock, finding that Fitch has bought into the eight year cyclical fairy tale. Fitch and EIU apparently project a win for Mahama and the NDC in 2024 because of declining living standards, limited job opportunities, and inadequate public services. But where in the imagination of Fitch did they find anything near solutions to their metrics from the NDC?

The only one who will appear on the ballot paper on 7th December, 2024 with any hope of restoring trust in Ghana politics is Alan Kyerematen, with a clear program dubbed the GTP which Fitch and EIU can engage and assure that, at least, it begins to deal with post IMF Ghana in a structured way.

The savvy Ghanaian voter is looking for solutions. Governance is about the marginal utility of Executive Authority to deliver political inclusion, economic opportunity and social cohesion.

At the moment, only Alan Kyerematen, per his record and posture, is well positioned to deliver on the value expected of the use of the Executive Power of the State of Ghana.

Out of panic, NPP functionaries are spreading lies that Alan has been paid to return to the NPP and that he is only out to ‘spoil’ the chances of Alhaji Bawumia as Flagbearer. They go on to say that Independents do not win elections in Ghana and therefore a vote for Alan could be wasted.

For the record, ALAN IS IN TO WIN. At no time has it been more fertile for an Independent Presidential Candidate than now, when an electorate tired of deception is desperate for solutions.

It is the duty of the influential middle classes, whilst fighting for preservation of their spaces from debilitating economic happenings, to signal the right direction to their dependants, who form a majority of the voting public.

Fight for decency in public affairs. Fight for an Alan Kyerematen Presidency. Fight for Ghana.

Thank you.