AMR: 10 Million Deaths By 2050 If... – WHO Warns; FOCOS Calls For Immediate Action

Do you comply with the prescribed medication regimen? Do you abruptly cease taking your medication after symptoms disappear? Do you engage in self-treatment?

If you answered yes to all these questions, it's wise to stop to prevent developing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria and fungi develop the ability to resist drugs designed to kill them, allowing them to continue growing. AMR is often due to the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in humans and even in animal farming.

According to the World Health Organisation, AMR remains a global health threat, especially on the African continent where there are over 700,000 deaths annually.

If no urgent action is taken, AMR "could cause 10 million deaths each year by 2050 and damage the economy as catastrophic as the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. By 2030, antimicrobial resistance could force up to 24 million people into extreme poverty" WHO reports.

Causes of AMR

AMR is caused by misuse and overuse of antibiotics, unfinished treatment, overuse of antibiotics in animal farming, poor infection control in hospitals and clinics, lack of hygiene and poor sanitation as well as the lack of new antibiotics being developed.

FOCOS Orthopedic Hospital

FOCOS on Friday, November 24, 2023, organized a panel discussion as part of its Anti-Microbial Awareness Week which is on the theme “Preventing antimicrobial resistance together”. The aim of the discussion was to educate the public on AMR and ways to avoid it. The six-member panel emphasized the need for immediate action to be taken to prevent the situation from escalating.

In view of this, Prescribers, the public, and regulators have all been asked to put their hands on deck to fight AMR.

Dr Irene Adorkor Wulff, Chief Executive Officer of FOCOS Orthopaedic Hospital speaking to called on the public to avoid self-medication.

According to her, through data analysis and monitoring of patients, FOCOS has come out with a policy statement that shows which antibiotics to use and when to use them as well as the duration.

"Antimicrobial resistance is a very worrying issue especially now that bugs are becoming resistant to the last resort medications, and we are seeing it on a more frequent basis. We want to create awareness so that other institutions that are not doing it will join the bandwagon" she urged.

What to do

Dr Wulff has urged Ghanaians to avoid sharing medications, cutting short treatments, and endeavor to "wash your hands because most infections occur because you didn't wash your hands".

Meanwhile, it has been revealed that vaccines have the potential to prevent up to half a million deaths associated with antimicrobial resistance.

"Vaccines are the best way to protect gives you long-term protection" Dr Irene Adorkor Wulff added.