Couple Claiming Gh₵5m Suit From St. John’s Hospital “Chose Exam” Over Baby’s Health – Lawyers Aver

Couple suing St. John’s Hospital & Fertility Centre for alleged negligence for the death of their baby got themselves to be blamed – legal officers of the hospital said.

Mr Ekow Andoh and Mrs Sandra Tekyiwaa Sackey want GH₵5 million from the hospital after the death of their baby.

But the hospital through their lawyers has given details of what led to the forlorn death after claiming no misconduct.  

“We wish to emphatically state that our client and its health workers exercised reasonable care in accordance with the established standards and protocols accepted in the medical profession in their duty to Mrs Sandra Tekyiwaa Sackey from her antenatal to the delivery of her baby.” A portion of a legal document reads.

St. John’s Hospital lawyers further give details of the occurrence that led to the death of the baby.

“At the time Mrs Sackey visited our client’s health facility and upon detection of her signs of labour being water breaking which she claimed happened an hour earlier Mrs Sackey was immediately attended to. However, she informed our health workers of an impending exam she had to write on the same day.

“Our client and its health workers through their professionalism persuaded Mrs Sackey over and over again in the interest of her unborn baby to forgo her pending examination that very day.”

“This was eminent on the account of the poor heartbeat of the unborn baby and the need to save the baby urgently. After a very prolonged delay on the part of Mrs Sackey who insisted she wanted to leave our client’s hospital to go and write her exams that very day she was to deliver a baby, Mrs Sackey agreed to be admitted upon further advice and persuasion from our Client.”

Adding that, “Our Client has since 2012 delivered over 4288 babies with 6 still and 4 macerated births. St. Johns has won the hearts of its numerous clients based on sound management practices.”

“It has a very disciplined workforce who recognize the need to provide highly skilled and satisfactory care to its clients. Every decision made by our client's healthcare professionals is guided by the highest standards of care.”