‘Let Your Love And Joy Touch The Needy’ - Dr. Bawumia Urges Ghanaians

Vice President and flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has called on Ghanaians to spread their love and joy wide to touch the needy in society.

"As we celebrate this annual festive occasion, we should let the ‘merry go around’ to our friends, colleagues, neighbours, and the needy.

"Let the joy go around. Let the love go around. And let the gifts and food also go around. That will make everyone’s Christmas special and full", he said in his Christmas message to the nation.

"Let us celebrate this occasion responsibly and safely", the NPP flagbearer further advised the citizens.

Read full message below:

Beloved Ghanaians, it is another season of cheer, compassion, love, and togetherness. I wish the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo- Addo and his family, Traditional Leaders,

Members of Parliament, the Diplomatic Community, all
Religious Leaders, other Political Leaders and their Parties, Movements, Civil Society Groups, our Party (the NPP), and all Ghanaians, a Merry Christmas.
I especially wish you, your family, and your loved ones the manifold blessings of Christmas.

As we celebrate this annual festive occasion, we should let the ‘merry go around’ to our friends, colleagues, neighbours, and the needy.

Let the joy go around. Let the love go around. And let the gifts and food also go around. That will make everyone’s Christmas special and full.

The birth of Jesus was the beginning of a lifetime of impact and influence from a little village called Bethlehem. His God assigned mission changed the world and redefined where he came from.

In that light, let this season bring to our attention to the fact that timeless impact starts with the birth of a massive mission from a little place that will last generations.

Let us celebrate this occasion responsibly and safely.
Once again, I wish you, your family, and everyone, a happy festive season.
Merry Christmas!