Vote For Change, Your Future Is Shaky Under NPP Gov’t - Mahama Urges Ghanaian Youth Ahead Of Dec. 7

Flagbearer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Dramani Mahama has urged Ghanaian youth to remove the New Patriotic Party (NPP) from power to ensure a brighter future.

He raised concerns about the hardships Ghanaians face under the Akufo-Addo-led government but said his return to the presidency will make a change.  

According to Mr Mahama, most of the youth were fed up but encouraged them not to give up because God’s plan for Ghana was not over yet.

I want to leave you with a message of hope. Our country Ghana is going through a crisis. And there are many of you, especially the youth, who believe that there’s no future. I meet a lot of our youth, and it is like there’s no future here for them. And so they won’t even bother to vote. Please, I beg you, cast your votes on December 7, 2024,” he urged.

The former president was addressing the congregation of the Sanctuary of Wind and Fire Assemblies of God Church in Tamale on New Year’s Eve.

He pleaded with Ghanaians not to give up on Ghana but to hope for the best if he is elected into power.  

Never give up on your country. God is not finished with Ghana yet. We are going through a crisis, but he has not given up on us. There are times when God uses experiences not only to test us but also to give us a learning experience. Sometimes, we go through tribulations, but it does not mean we must throw up our hands in despair and give up. Never give up. We must continue to battle, and work hard until we achieve the objectives we set for ourselves. Let’s continue to have hope and believe that God’s plan for Ghana is not over,” He said.  

Adding that, “And that we will have the opportunity to choose in December 2024 and that God will prosper this country, and it will rise again. We are supposed to be the black star of Africa, today, that black star has fallen on the ground. But I can assure you that that black star will rise again.”