Leaked Tape Committee Recommends Prosecution Of COP Mensa, Supt. Asare, Gyebi; Clears Dampare - Report

The Atta Akyea Committee which probed the tape regarding plans by some senior officers to remove the Inspector-General of Police has recommended prosecution for the officers caught on the leaked tape.

The committee while clearing the IGP Dr. George Akuffo Dampare of any wrongdoing said the three other officers must be charged with perjury.

Portions of a draft report of the committee obtained by Peacefmonline.com reads “The three senior police officers namely, COP Alex Mensah, Supt. George Lysander Asare and Supt. Eric Emmanuel Gyebi involved in the conspiracy to remove the IGP should be referred for further investigation and possible prosecution for perjury under the Criminal Offences Act 1960 (Act 29) and professional misconduct under the Police Service Act, 1970 (Act 350) and the Police Service Regulations, 2012, (C.I. 76).

“In order to safeguard the sanctity of the appointment of an IGP and, in particular, shield the appointment process from perceptions of partisanship and political “manipulation”, there is the need to review/amend article 202(1) of the Constitution, 1992, Police Service Act, (Act 350) and related legislation/statutes fundamentally to secure the independence of the office of the IGP,” the recommendation read.