Dr. Bawumia Is Ghana's Biblical Joshua - EPA Boss

The Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Henry Kwabena Kokofu, has described the Vice President and leader of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) as the next 'Biblical Joshua' who will take Ghana to the Promised Land. 

The EPA boss made this assertion while speaking on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' morning show hosted by Kwami Sefa Kayi on Monday, January 19, 2024. 

According to him, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is the right candidate with the requisite competence and expertise to lead Ghana to the Promised Land. 

Likening the leadership of incumbent President, Nana Akufo-Addo to that of Biblical Moses, Henry Kokofu mentiomed that, Nana Akufo-Addo took Ghana out of the shambolic administration of the erstwhile Mahama-led NDC administration. 

He said, "We had Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo-led New Patriotic Party, which led the country from dumsor, unemployment, a high illiteracy rate, non-payment of the teacher training and nursing training allowances, which were the handiworks of the Mahama government.  The assurance of the New Patriotic Party government was to take Ghanaians from hardships to a better living condition."

Dr. Kokofu added that the "hardship meted out to Ghanaians by the Mahama government was enormous. The country was left in abject hopelessness until the Akufo-Addo Bawumia-led government came to power to salvage the situation."

"The good thing is, because Nana Addo was chosen by God, he has driven the country back on track. Nana Addo cannot continue to drive the nation to the Promised Land because the Constitution does not permit him to continue when he has served his two terms," Dr. Kokofu added.

He said, "We can find Joshua in Dr. Bawumia because he possesses the spirit of God and has very good leadership qualities, which the country needs to journey into the promised land".