Majority's Press Conference On Leadership Reshuffle Was a 'Waste of Time' - Allotey Jacobs

Bernard Allotey Jacobs has criticized the Majority Caucus' public denial of the supposed restructure of their leadership.

The former NDC Central Regional Chairman, tackling the Majority's press conference on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, to address the media reports, remarked that they should have handled the issue internally.

The First Deputy Speaker and Bekwai lawmaker, Joseph Osei Owusu, speaking on behalf of the leadership, asserted that “the majority caucus has not made any changes in its leadership, the majority caucus has not contemplated making any changes to its leadership, and we will tell the world and Ghana to ignore any such publication.”

He further stated, “We want to assure you that we have confidence in the leadership and the status quo shall remain; we are aware that upon the nomination of one of the Deputy Whips as a minister, a replacement will be made, that replacement will be made by the caucus when we have the opportunity and the time to consider the appropriate replacement; this is all the information we have to share.”

But to Allotey Jacobs, the Majority's reaction was a "waste of time" as it could disrupt the party's focus on this year's general elections.

"As they are preparing towards an election knowing that this election is a do or die for them and a do or die for the opposition party, then you don't take chances but waste your time to defend the indefensible,"  he commented, stressing that "it doesn't put the party in a good light."

Allotey, however, argued that the Majority's concerns are valid, but the press conference was a wrong channel to address them.

"Joe Wise's statement is of substance, but these things are said at the National Executive or Committee level, then you address the leadership that we don't want this. You don't go for a press conference when knowing very well they're bringing some giants or some knowledgeable people or a battalion that can fight to break the eight for you, people,"  he told host Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo".

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