End Point Homeopathic Clinic Denies Involvement In Promoting Slimming Products

Dr. Adu Boateng, licensed homeopath and CEO of End Point Homeopathic Clinic, has denied any involvement with a circulating deep fake video and fake website promoting slimming products allegedly endorsed by the clinic.

In a press release issued today, Dr. Boateng clarified that neither he nor his clinic has any association with the slimming product in question.

He warned the public against falling victim to deceptive marketing tactics that falsely link their names with such products.

“End Point Homeopathic Clinic specializes in homeopathy, not nutrition. Any claims suggesting our endorsement or distribution of slimming products are baseless and are the work of individuals attempting to exploit our credibility,” stated Dr. Boateng.

The press release emphasized the clinic’s commitment to upholding stringent ethical standards and promoting transparency in all professional endeavours.

“We remain dedicated to serving our patients with honesty and professionalism,” Dr. Boateng affirmed, urging the public to disregard the misinformation currently circulating.

For further inquiries or clarifications, individuals are encouraged to contact the clinic at 0244867068.

The denial comes in response to the dissemination of a deep fake video and a fake website purporting to feature Dr. Adu Boateng and End Point Homeopathic Clinic endorsing and distributing a slimming product.

The clinic’s swift response aims to clarify its stance and protect its reputation amidst the spread of false information.

Adomonline.com’s independent checks have revealed that those behind the false marketing strategy have mimicked the credible myjoyonline.com for their misleading act.

Another observation made is that they have credited the publication to GNA, another false act, per our independent checks.