Boame Ghana Foundation Launched With Campaign To Rekindle Kindness Through Sustainable Partnerships

The Boame Ghana Foundation was officially launched in Accra at a colourful ceremony at the premises of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly.

The Foundation was established by the distinguished national peace ambassador – Clemence Gyato.

The vision of the Boame Ghana Foundation is to create empowered communities through giving in support of local, regional and national development.

Speaking during the launch event, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Foundation – Reverend Canon Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, expressed his delight at the response of individuals, corporate entities, and other like-minded organizations to join hands with the Foundation for the betterment of under-served communities across the country.

“The whole concept of “rekindling kindness” in the hearts and minds of citizens through giving items that may be new or semi-used in support of those who do not have is a positive development. I fully anticipate that as we monitor, continuously improve and track our performance the outcomes in improved independent community development will grow incrementally.”

In his remarks delivering the keynote address, the Chairman of the National Peace Council – Rev. Dr. Ernest Adu Gyamfi, stated that the National Peace Council was very proud of the extraordinary work Ambassador Clemence Gyato had done promoting peace in a number of troubled communities in the country.

He further stated that the National Peace Council is pleased to partner the Boame Ghana Foundation to deepen efforts to secure greater local community economic and social opportunities as a critical key for peace in the country.

Mrs. Comfort Asare, speaking on behalf of the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection was full of praise for the timely initiative of the Boame Ghana Foundation.

“Our department is tremendously grateful for this support. I am also inspired by the concept behind the Foundation’s work. “We look forward to working closely with Ambassador Gyato and his Board of Directors to support others in need across the country.”

The Founder of the foundation – Peace Ambassador Clemence Gyato expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all who had already agreed to partner the Foundation to achieve it’s vision.

The Special Guest of Honour for the occasion – Her Ladyship, former Chief Justice – Georgina Wood, stated that research shows that acts of generosity, whether through donations, volunteering, correlate with improved mental and physical health.

She recalled the well-known Ghanaian - Akan proverb saying, "Sɛ woboa wo yɔnko no hyɛ wo fi den" , to wit "giving to your neighbour strengthens your own house".

She therefore encouraged everyone to partner the Boame Ghana Foundation in that regard.