Let's Strengthen Our Peace And Unity For Ghana’s Progress - Farouk Aliu Mahama 

The Member of Parliament for Yendi and Chairman of the Muslim Caucus in Parliament, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama has urged Muslims and all Ghanaians to continue to embrace the nation's peace and unity.

Speaking at the 13th Annual Night of Power organized annually by the Muslim Caucus of Parliament during the last 10 days of Ramadan to pray for the nation, Farouk Aliu Mahama said Ghanaians are one people regardless of religious and political affiliations and urged his fellow Muslims to treat their neighbors well and also join forces with others to preserve the peace and unity of Ghana.

"We must always see ourselves as one in humanity and wish for our neighbors and fellow citizens all the good things we wish for ourselves", Farouk Aliu Mahama said.

He added; "For Allah tells us in the Quran that he has created us all out a single soul. The Prophet Mohammed teaches us in the Hadith that our Islam will not be complete until we love our brothers how much we love ourselves.”

Focusing on the nation, Farouk advised that political differences should not disrupt the nation's peace and unity, especially as Ghana prepares for general elections this year.

"There is no doubt that a nation that is divided cannot stand. Let us all continue to remain united in our resolve to run the affairs of our country in a democratic manner. We should not allow our differences in our opinions and choices to become stronger than our desire to hold our country together.”

"No nation in the world can prosper without peace. It is however important for us to know and understand that peace is a bio-product of justice that is based on equity, equality, tolerance, honesty and respect for human dignity."

"Even as we desire our various parties to run the affairs of our country, we should carry out campaign with respect for the dignity and liberties of one another. We should not insult or even make false accusations against one another”,
he stressed.

Vice President and flagbearer of the NPP, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia graced the 13th edition of the annual Night of Power together with other dignitaries including members of the diplomatic corps.