Naa Yoomo Ayemuede Is 16-years old Not 12 - Nungua Traditional Council Clarifies

The Office of the Gborbu Wulomo Shitse of Nungua, in an attempt to fight off claims that it is involved in acts of illegality after the purported marriage of an alleged 12-year-old girl on Saturday, March 30, has addressed the general public.

The Traditional Authority, at a news briefing on Tuesday, April 2, insisted the child in question is a 16-year-old and not a 12-year-old, as has been alleged in the media.

The traditional authorities added that the child will only be responsible for various customary rites and not conjugal activities.

The wolomei, woyeii, and Asafoatsemei clad in their traditional apparel, graced the occasion, seeking to clarify issues surrounding the purported marriage between their overlord and Naa Yoomo Ayemuede, whose actual age they say is 16.

Nii Nor Osikan Kpenetey, Osu Klotey Wulomo, explained that “she is 16 years old; we know she is underage, but she is not married to the Wulomo but to the deity.”

The purported marriage ceremony, which took place on Saturday, has been heavily criticized. The office of the Gborbu Wulomo Shitse admits there were some excesses, particularly in the comments made by some individuals who had the opportunity to address the gathering.

The office maintains there will be no carnal knowledge of the young girl as the Wulomo has no intention of disrespecting the laws of Ghana.

“We want to send this message to the general public and all media houses both home and abroad that Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII, Gborbu Wulomo-Shitse will, for no reason, attempt to violate the constitution of Ghana. She has been preserved in maintaining her virginity till now to assume her role as Naa Yoomo Ayemuede, which she began six (6) years ago,” Nii Tetse Borketey Frankwa, the Nungua Mankralo, explained.

Director of Administration, office of the Gborgbu Wulomo Shitse, Rev. D.N. Gyasi Ankrah, however, sent a word of caution to the police regarding the handling of their queen, whom they say is under their protection.

He explained that the people of Nungua practice tradition and not culture, and they will deal with anyone who tries to denigrate their tradition.

Naa Yemoade, according to the wulomie, was in her mother’s womb for 2 years before her birth, and it was also after two years before she started walking, so they believe she is a young spiritual mystery being.

“Being a “Boi Ekaa Yoo”, Naa Yoomo Ayemuede aids the Gborbu Priest in performing special rites for the Gborbu deity, including: ‘Dudo mli Nu Woo’ which she performs three times a year to usher in the Kplejoo Homowo celebrations. ‘Jenten nihoom’ which is to feed all deities at the cardinals of the Meridian Rock, which is at the center of the world and it’s situated in Nungua.

"She is the mother of all the priests and priestesses in Nungua. She is responsible for carrying the corn wine to the Town Square (Festival grounds/Ablokor Jaanor) for Praises and thanksgiving to God Almighty. Responsible for cleaning and ablution of the Gborbu Temple during the annual Kplejoo Homowo Festival and responsible for the Aywemoede deity and Shade deity, which is purely performed by a virgin,” he explained.

The 16-year-old, Naa Yoomo Ayemuede and the mother have since been under police protection.