You Can't Sit On KPMG Audit Report; Release It - Prof. Gyampo Tells Akufo-Addo

Political Science Lecturer at the University of Ghana, Legon, Professor Ransford Gyampo, has called on President Akufo-Addo to make public the KPMG audit report on the revenue mobilisation contract between the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Strategic Mobilisation Ghana Ltd. (SML).

Prof. Gyampo underscored the need to exercise transparency and accountability in all dealings, stating that Ghanaians have a right to know the findings of the report.

In an open letter addressed to President Akufo-Addo on Wednesday, April 3, Prof. Gyampo urged the President to release the report without delay, asserting that withholding such crucial information undermines the trust of the citizens.

He emphasised that openness and transparency are essential for effective governance and urged President Akufo-Addo to respect the principles of democratic leadership by disclosing the contents of the audit report to the public.

He wrote, "Dear President Akufo-Addo, I am told KPMG has submitted its report on the SML deal. Given that there were serious allegations of corruption about the deal by a media house, I write as a Citizen to respectfully remind you that, you cannot sit on the report."

"The good people of Ghana have the RIGHT to know the contents of the report, and this is a simple truism that must not elude any government that believes in the dogmas of accountability and transparency."

A report by the Fourth Estate alleged irregularities in a multi-million dollar contract awarded to SML by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

Despite the allegations, both the GRA and SML vehemently denied any form of wrongdoing.

In response to the accusations, SML has taken legal action against the Fourth Estate, alleging defamation.

Following concerns raised regarding the contract between the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Strategic Mobilisation Ghana Ltd. (SML), President Akufo-Addo directed KPMG to conduct an audit into the matter.

In a release by Eugene Arhin, Director of Communications at the Presidency, he stated that the President has received the KPMG’s report on the audit conducted, adding that the report was received on March 27, 2024.

Eugene Arhin said, "President Akufo Addo is studying the findings of the audit report, and will, in due course, make his decisions known to the Ghanaian people."

In his view, Prof. Gyampoh asserted that the President is taking too long to examine the audit report; thus, he should expedite the examination in order to make the report available to the public.