Instant Turn-Offs for Women

men� class=�linkify� target=�_blank�>Women can be turned on in an instant by a winning smile or sense of humor, but they can just as instantly be turned off by a few horrid habits and traits. A couple of the traits are easy to fix by simply paying more attention to your hygiene. Others, however, may take a change of heart and practice on your part. The practice might not make you perfect, but at least it could make you tolerable. That is, of course, unless you thoroughly enjoy being single, repulsive and alone. Greasy hair. Women don�t care if you are still hanging on to the grunge fad or actually made your hair greasy-looking on purpose by slicking it back with gel; a slimy head just doesn�t cut it. Sure, some women dig a laidback guy, but no gal digs a guy so laidback he forgets to wash his hair. The only things going through a woman�s mind when she sees greasy hair is how disgusting it would be to run her fingers through it or how big a stain your head will make on her satin pillowcase.