How To Obtain Peace & Serenity

Finding peace and serenity in our current society is challenging. News about wars and violence, unemployment rates, work-elated stress and chaotic family and social schedules make it difficult to achieve emotional balance. However, elevated stress levels can lead to headaches, difficulty sleeping, back pain, depression, stomach problems and a weakened immune system. This highlights the importance of finding peace and serenity to improve overall health and well-being. 1. Practice meditation. Concentrative meditation involves focusing on a single object, word or phrase to help you feel calm and aware. Mindful meditation involves focusing on all of your senses, thoughts and feelings. For any meditation, it is necessary to sit or lie down in a quiet place for 15 to 20 minutes. 2 Think positively. Negative thinking leads to increased stress, anxiety and depression. Putting circumstances into a more positive perspective can bring you peace and serenity. It is sometimes necessary to think about negative situations in order to resolve them. However, when such thinking becomes unproductive and stressful, it is time for a break. Review the thoughts and replace them with positive alternatives. 3 Build a support system. Surrounding yourself with positive people who care about you promotes your emotional well-being. Form a social group of friends or co-workers and meet weekly or monthly. Join a book club, fitness center or church group. Have family gatherings regularly. If you have special concerns, such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse, join a support group. 4 Participate in hobbies or physical activities. Get involved with local adult league sports teams such as basketball, softball or disc golf. Begin training for a 5 kilometer race. Grow a garden, learn to sew or paint a picture. Find an activity that you enjoy. Skill level is not important; what is important is that you have fun. 5 Practice your spiritual beliefs. Spiritual people cope more effectively with pain and chronic disease. If you are a member of a church or synagogue, attend regularly. If you are not a member, consider participating in spiritual practice. Attend a local church. Ask friends or co-workers where they worship and ask if you can accompany them. Read spiritual materials and pray.