Impudence Of A Rogue Musician

A rogue came to our country, desecrated our ethos and left without being accosted. Many adjectives can be used to condemn the ignoble action of the musician when he publicly smoked Indian hemp prior to a performance in Accra. It was a despicable spectacle whose front page treatment in the newspapers and discussions on radio station newspaper review segments disturbed the sentiments of many a parent. For parents who are already struggling to manage with their children�s penchant for saggy trousers with exposed boxer shorts, Bronx-style Chris Brown�s wee smoking performance was not another anomaly they can cope with. Little wonder that the condemnation resonated across the country. By the time he left the shores of Accra, he had triggered off so much controversy that those who invited him for the performance busied themselves with clearing the moral mess he had left in his trail but to no avail anyway. We would not be surprised if the sponsors did not regret undertaking the $1m project. It was a project whose social repercussions can be counted by the number of kids who would attempt smoking wee, especially having heard the rogue musician encouraging them to do same in abominable lyrics. We have taken note of the attempts at watering down the seriousness of the action by various interest groups interventions which lack substance. Some of them described the Indian hemp the man smoked freely in breach of our laws as electronic cigarette, whatever that means, as others presented it as a cigar. We are saddened that at a time a united condemnation of the action of the rogue musician is the most appropriate thing to do, such feeble excuses would be thrown into the atmosphere. Chris Brown did smoke wee on the stage and there were many witnesses at the function, for some persons or groups to present a contrary view is to regard the rest of as nincompoops, which we are not. For Chris Brown to smoke wee on stage, something he cannot do in his home country, suggests his disrespect for us in Ghana. The Police have variously been put on the spot for not arresting the defaulter, but the most important attack came from some musicians who said that had such an action emanated from one of them, the security agents would have been quick to pounce on them. Those who bring in rogue musicians in future should do well to educate them on the ethos and laws of our country so that such inappropriate conduct is not re-enacted.