Duncan-Williams: Africa's Woes Are Spiritual

Africa�s problems have a spiritual source, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams has said. He told his congregation on Sunday that: �We have forgotten that this world is not governed by internet; it�s governed by spiritual sources you don�t see with your natural or naked eyes that why Africa is not there�. The General Overseer and Presiding Archbishop of the Christian Action Faith Ministry wondered why Africa has �every mineral resource and yet we are impoverished and disadvantaged�. �The problem with Africa and the problem of Africa is spiritual, I�m telling you as a spiritual man. I�ve watched it�, he emphasised. Duncan-Williams also bemoaned that the next generation is spiritually rotten. �I�m very very worried about the next generation. Whether we�ll have a generation that will even pray and fast� we are raising up a generation full of carnality with intellectual capabilities and no spirituality�.