Photos: Union Educates Business Owners On Budgets and Business Plans

In today�s economic environment, business owners are often advised to strategically position their business well. In the eyes of business experts this move serves as a road map that propels businesses to greater heights. It is for this reason that Union Savings and Loans, organized a seminar to educate its client about budgeting and business planning. Mr. Kwasi Nimako, head of finance division for Union, explained that when business entities plan, it help them to visualize where thier heading towards and anticipate areas where they need to place emphasis on. He defined a business plan as a �detailed written document, setting out the objectives of the business and how it would be achieved�. Mr. Kwasi Nimako further explained that successive businesses spend time to plan, monitor and renew business performance. �Without a business plan, you are likely to fail�, he warned. He described budget and business planning as a process that is of necessity because when running a business. According to him, without it, owners of businesses �would be walking in the dark�. He advised business owners not to only anticipate about potential business problems but rather, how to turn them into useful business opportunities. �Whether you are into manufacturing or service industry that serves customers, if your aim is to succeed, you must plan your business�, he advised.