How To Be A Woman In A Changing World (I)�

The purpose of a female-why a woman was made, we need to know this well, before we can function well as God intended us to be.

First of all, let us look at (Gen 2:18): God says, it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

According to God, a man is not complete without a woman. The male needs a companion, someone to be his helper.

Men need women as fellow workers and colleagues in this world if the purpose of men is to be fulfilled in life. Man needed someone with whom he could express emotional and physical love. The primary purpose of the female was to receive love from the male.

The method that God used to create the female is significant to our understanding the relationship between males and females. Genesis 2: (21-22) .The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He has taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man.

1.     Receiver: God fashioned the woman to be the receiver. Her purpose is to receive from the male and the male’s purpose is to give. The woman is able to bear children. The differences between the male and female are complementary in nature and are designed so that the male and female can fulfill one another’s emotional and physical needs while they are spiritually nourished by God and His love and so that together they can rule the world.

2.     Male’s God-given companion and helper: God said “Man, it is not good for you to be alone. “Adam was busy obeying God’s word. He was so occupied by his work cultivating, taking care of the garden, he did not know he needed somebody. But most of us do the opposite. We don’t have time for God, because we are busy looking for a mate. Adam did not go looking for a mate. God brought Eve to him. Jesus said the attitude we should have when He said “seek ye first the kingdom of God. Become immersed in his righteousness. Then your mate will be added to you.”(Mathew 6:31-33).

God designed the woman to fulfill her purpose of being a compatible helper for the man. Everything in her is designed to help. Now the last thing many men want women to know is that they need help. Yet God announced from the beginning that a man needs a woman’s help. Again, this is true for all men, not just married men. Males need females not only in the family, but in society, in all of life. One of the reasons our nations is so troubled is that males don’t know their own purpose on the purpose of females. Many men don’t run their homes properly because they walk around saying “I am a man; I do what I like etc. etc.”

Men who are not godly do not know the real value of women; they don’t realise that the women God gave them are a blessing and that they are there to help them carry out their vision. If you as a man whether married or single believe that you don’t need women, you are missing an important part of your life.

Women as destroyers?

Many men sincerely believe that women were put on earth by God to destroy them. They think that everything a woman does is planning and scheming. While this may be true of godless women (or women ignorant of the existence of God) not all women are the same. Just like there are corrupt men, so also are there corrupt women. Otherwise God had no need to destroy “Sodom and Gomorrah” with fire and brimstone.

3.     To dominate the earth: God created men and women to dominate the earth, not one another. There is a saying that “the hands, the rocks, the cradle rules, the world” …it means that a woman has the awesome responsibility of bringing up, nourishing, correcting and advising her children both boys and girls who are well brought up in the knowledge of God, who become leaders and rulers of this world.

It is God’s intention that together with her husband their individual strengths would combine to produce exponential results-outcomes much greater than either could accomplish alone. The woman adds to man’s power in living or working, so that the sum is far greater than its parts.

Unfortunately, after this fall due to the temptation of the devil, Adam and Eve lost their perfectly balanced relationship. When questioned by God, Adam shifted the blame on the woman “The woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it (Genesis 3:11-12). Feeling trapped, Eve tried to put the blame on the devil. Yet God held each of them accountable because both were spiritual beings responsible to Him. God said one of consequences of their rejection of His purpose was that they would strive with one another.

“Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. “(Gen. 3:16).

The statement emphasis the fact that they were originally created to rule together. After the fall, their relationship was distorted. Yet God’s purpose has never been changed. God promised a redeemer, Jesus Christ is the redeemer, and because of Him, men and women can return to God’s original design for them. Purpose, peace and potential can return to humanity. We can again have dominion over the earth-but only through Christ.