Islamic Cleric Challenges UN On World Population Figures

According to the United Nation [UN] the world population is now 7.4billion – but that has been challenged by an acclaimed spiritual soothsayer and Islamic numerologist.

Mallam Shamuna told that the world’s population “is not up to what the UN has put out”

“The actual population is 7, 00,948,205 not 7.4billion,” he said.

He explained that – “The exact number of the people who live on the planet is 7, 00,948,205. I must appreciate the work of the UN although their figures are incorrect.”

“Double counting have been rectified and rejected. Also deprived communities were hacked spiritually but that has been corrected so the UN must come again. The exact figures are in the hands of God,” he added.

The controversial Islamic Cleric however categorized the demeanor of people in the world – “6.5 billion are wicked (root hearted people). 500million are average (not bad not too wicked). 400million are normal (somehow good) and 100 million are good.”