Doctor Allays Fears

A medical doctor at the Urology Department of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KTH), Dr. Bray Lemuel, has asked women whose husbands are suffering from prostate enlargement, cancer and its health related issues to encourage them to undergo surgery to correct such defects.

Dr. Bray explained that, failure on their part to seek early medical attention can compound the problem.

However, he said, early detection of the problem will help doctors to find solution to it.

He was however worried that some women prevent their husbands from undergoing surgery when they are diagnosed with prostate cancer.

“Some women prevent their husbands from going for this form of treatment (surgery) with the simple reason that it takes away their husbands’ ability to make love to them”, he said.

Although he shared the concerns of married women whose husbands have this disease, he explained that it would be better for them to go for the surgery than to live with the disease.

“Yes, the surgery will definitely take away one or both of the man’s testicles but it’s better than to live with it”, he advised.

He noted that, regular counseling and education can help couples to understand the importance of the surgery so as to avoid any complications.

He nevertheless cautioned men to be careful of their sexual lives, and report immediately to the hospital any concerns of their urinary tract for checks and proper treatment.

He further advised that “ men should check with the hospitals to know the status of their prostates before contacting herbal ‘doctors’ who claim to have treatment for prostate enlargement and cancer”.

Prostate cancer is a disease that starts from the prostate gland.

The prostate is a small, walnut-sized structure that makes up part of a man’s reproductive system.

It wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body.