Editorial: Freedom Of Worship Or Noise Pollution:

Is Anyone Listening? We may be a peaceful nation and peace-loving people, but we exhibit great indiscipline when it comes to law and order. In fact, it is as if no laws or regulations exist in the country. At the risk of being accused of being �abonsam�, We have to complain about the noise making that now passes off as expression of the freedom of worship. The two major monotheistic religions are �guilty� of this, but the �new� charismatic or apostolic churches are the worst offenders. They exhibit scant regard for other citizens� well being by setting up shop in residential areas where they set about �worshiping� through loud music and amplified sermons. In certain neighborhoods, not one, but two, or more of such churches, with great sounding names, purvey what they want the rest of us believe as their faiths with much noise and cacophony. They compete in which of them can make the most noise. It is not right and patently unfair on peace-loving citizens who are entitled to peace and quiet. But we do not blame them. It is those local authorities in charge of zoning, who turn deaf ears to this menace who are to blame. But having said this, we are appealing to the authorities and the Christian Council to take this up and find way of letting these pastors and their congregations know that their freedom of worship ends at the beginning of the other citizen�s ear drums. The Mail