Excerpts From Force Of Will; Restoring The Lost Glory Of NUGS - Tinkaro Osei

The National Union of Ghana Students is the mother association of all student bodies in Ghana.

In times past, it was a unit of change that inspired confidence in being Ghanaian and echoed the strength of the Ghanaian identity with her ability to demand and influence change on national issues.

Overtime however, it lost its potency and pedestal and was reduced to a tool of scorn and shame.

This book recounts the steps I took, with support of several others to attempt a restoration of NUGS to its former glory.

It presents focus on the strength that is available when the will is present.

It is a viable material for anyone contemplating change in a difficult or improbable situation and would serve as a refreshing manual for student leaders or anyone aspiring to hold a position in student governance"

Tinkaro Asare Osei