Kids Will Soon Ask Mummy To Open Their Legs Wide To See The Things They Are Being Taught At School

Good afternoon family. I trust everyone is well?
I have been following the story of CSE, comprehensive sexual education supposed to be part of our children's curriculum, starting next academic calendar. Now the new CSE is to replace, if I am right, the Religious and Moral education at some levels of our children's education.

This new curriculum I gather is sponsored by UNESCO, SWEDEN and some other European countries.

Now our children from 5 years will be taught about sex, parts of the sex organs, function of the clitoris, penis, et al.

Yet those taking the financial kick backs to promulgate this balderdash on our children, are quick to hypocritically speak against nudity in movies and on TV.

They are unable to say whether or not they support LGBT, yet in the new curriculum, there are suggestive teachings making LGBT okay.

Ladies and gentlemen, very soon your wards will come home and when he see mummy taking a her bath, would ask mummy to open legs wide so he can see the things they are being taught at school.

Again, the kids at school wash rooms will begin to experiment with what they are being taught at school and the results is going to be very very bad.
This same idea was pushed into European schools where LGBT has being legalized.

Watch the shots from the books and the video to understand what we are doing to our future generations?

Let's all stand speak against this CSE before it's too late.