Dr. Obaid Chaudhry on Helping Patients Feel Better About Themselves

Plastic surgery is becoming more popular than ever before. 15.6 million cosmetic procedures were performed during 2020, even while the pandemic was raging. In 2022, it’s expected that these numbers will be even greater. Dr. Obaid Chaudhry is an experienced plastic surgeon, and he’s working hard to raise the bar higher in aesthetic medicine for the next year and beyond.

Dr. Obaid Chaudhry attended the Royal College of Surgeons for his MD before doing a residency at one of the most prestigious colleges in the country for integrated plastic surgery. He then had an aesthetic fellowship in Manhattan, which is one of the most well – known locations in the world.

He’s a leader in performing Brazilian butt lifts, smooth sculpt, breast fat transfer, Lipo 360, and body sculpting. “I love helping people feel better about how they look,” said Dr. Obaid Chaudhry. “I have a love of patient care and am excited to study human anatomy to perform these procedures to the best of my ability every time.”

Dr. Obaid Chaudhry is now working hard to revolutionize the field of plastic surgery. He came up with the SmoothSculpt process, which has had a huge impact on the aesthetics community. He also uses Lipo 360 for all of his procedures. It’s full body lipo rather than just being used in one area to create a more congruent look for the whole body.

He also performs Brazilian butt lifts differently from any other surgeon in a way that’s safer and produces a better result. He never uses syringes and considers it archaic to do so. “I want my patients to feel happy with their outcomes, and I think that these techniques are the way of the future,” said Dr. Obaid Chaudhry.

Over time, the aesthetic surgery industry has changed dramatically, and the results are being felt throughout the world. Dr. Obaid Chaudhry is one of the leading surgeons in the field, and his revolutions in the industry will improve patient outcomes in 2022 and beyond.