NPP Fully Supports Bryan, Hypocrisy Of Minority Caucus Nauseating - Annoh-Dompreh

Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, has restated the support of the New Patriotic Party for Bryan Acheampong, a colleague MP and Minister of Agric.

Acheampong has come under opposition critique following controversial comments he made last Saturday at a party event in Mpraeso, stating among others that the NPP was never going to hand over power to the National Democratic Congress after the 2024 polls.

The NDC has since described the statement as reckless and treasonable and called for the minister's arrest.

The NPP in a response said they stood by the minister's comment and that he was responding to similar comments by opposition leaders including by John Mahama and Asiedu Nketiah, the former president and NDC National Chairman respectively.

Annoh-Dompreh who was at the event where Bryan spoke tweeted his support for the party position on Sunday, April 10.

"Leave Bryn alone. He said nothing new...The entire Party & the parliamentary Caucus is fully associated with him.. The hypocrisy of our colleagues is just nauseating often times..." he wrote.

Bryan Acheampong booms

Bryan Acheampong‘s controversial views were made at a party rally over the weekend.

He is heard saying in a viral video that the NPP will do everything within its means to win the 2024 general elections.

According to him, the NPP is not ready to hand over power to the National Democratic Congress (NDC), therefore, his party will go to the election fully prepared.

He stated that the NPP has the men to match the opposition boot for boot during the 2024 polls.

Addressing party faithful after a health walk through the principal streets of Mpraeso on Saturday, April 8, 2023, Bryan Acheampong stressed that "We will show NDC that we have the men if they want to do intimidate, harass us or do anything foolish during the 2024 elections...It will not happen that we will hand over power to NDC. We'll use any means for NPP to stay in power."