Ghana Has No Valid Alternative Aside NPP, NDC – Lecturer

A political scientist Dr. Osei Owusu Bonsu has stated that aside from the two main political parties, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC), there is no other third force that is ready for power.

According to Dr. Bonsu, while there are a number of smaller political parties in Ghana, none of them have the political strength to challenge the dominance of the NPP and NDC.

Speaking in an interview on Peace FM’s Midday News on April 11, 2023, he explained: “The other political parties that we could look up to, none of them are ready for power, so it will difficult to depend on them.

"And the two parties are the ones saying these things, so, it will be difficult to kick them out because we don’t have any third party to vote for, they are not ready.

“So, the youth should advise themselves and parents should also talk to their children,” he said.

Dr. Bonsu was reacting to a statement made by the Member of Parliament for Abetifi, Bryan Acheampong that the NPP will show the NDC that they have the men if they want to intimidate, harass, or do anything foolish during the 2024 elections.

He argued that such remarks go unnoticed because there is no third force party ready to assume the reins of power, so, politicians make violent statements and go scot-free.

Bryan Acheampong is quoted to have said that, NPP will resist any attempt from the NDC to harass or intimidate its members during the general election.

Addressing party faithful after a health walk through the principal streets of Mpraeso on Saturday, April 8, 2023, Bryan Acheampong said the NPP will prove to the NDC that they have the men should they try anything mischievous on election day.

Amidst shouts and cheers from the party faithful, the NPP MP said, "We will show NDC that we have the men if they want to intimidate, harass us, or do anything foolish during the 2024 elections.

"It will not happen that we will hand over power to NDC. We'll use any means for NPP to stay in power," he stated.