Kwesi Pratt 'Fights' Electoral Commission Over 'Secret' Registration

The Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr has questioned the Electoral Commission's registration of some foreigners at their headquarters.

Care for Free and Fair Elections Ghana (CARE-GHANA) has accused the Commission of engaging in secret registration. 

According to them, the EC "is secretly registering voters at the EC head office while we await the passage of the Electoral Commission's C.I. that will establish clear rules and notice of how the voters' registration exercise will be carried out".

A voter registration exercise shredded in secrecy is a significant opportunity to manipulate election results.

"We, therefore, call on the Electoral Commission to immediately halt the ongoing voter registration exercise and provide an explanation for its conduct."

EC Rebuts

The Director of Electoral Services at the Commission, Dr. Serebour Quaicoe speaking to this in an interview on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' explained the only people who were registered were 5 Ghanaians who were living abroad and missed the opportunity to register.

"If you would recall, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Tehn Addy and per the judgement, if a Ghanaian living abroad applies to the Commission to be registered, we have to do it. Since then, when they apply we do it for them. The new C.I. has not been passed; we are using the current one which is C.I 91".

According to him, "So far 5 have been registered using the Supreme Court judgement".

However, Kwesi Pratt Jnr. speaking on the same platform criticised the EC's act saying: "Registration of voters is not done anyhow. The political parties have the right to challenge the registration. There are grounds for challenging a registration like whether or not you're a Ghanaian. With this method, I don't see how the parties will be able to verify the registration process".

Listen to him in the video below