Paternity Tests On The Rise In Uganda

The number of men seeking paternity tests in Uganda has recently increased by 70% Uganda’s spokesperson for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Simon Mundeyi, says.

Three years ago, three tests per month were carried out, now it is close to 100 every month, Uganda's Monitor newspaper quotes him as saying.

The government said it was unsure why these numbers were rising.

“Some men now are now waking up to the fact that they are looking after children that do not actually belong to them,” Mr Mundeyi told NTV Uganda.

He mentioned that out of 12 results that they had got back this week so far, only two confirmed the father was the biological parent.

Speaking to NTV Uganda, Josephine Kasaato, president of the Mothers Union in Buganda region, said there should be counselling to support families that had gone through the testing.

Tests are carried out at the Government Analytical Laboratory in the capital, Kampala, and cost $100 (£78).