Let’s collaborate to empower communities for sustainable development- Christ Addict President urges stakeholders

Christ Addict, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading love, compassion, and positive change, recently held its maiden edition of the Annual General Meeting, urging members and volunteers to become ambassadors and agents of change in their communities.

The event which took place at AH Hotel in Accra served as a platform to celebrate the remarkable achievements of the organization in the past year under the theme “Inspiring Transformation: Empowering Communities for a brighter future”.

According to the President and Founder of Christ Addict Mr Caleb Dande, the organisation and its dedicated members and volunteers were ready to tackle the challenges ahead, armed with compassion, resilience, and a burning desire to make a difference.

“Together, we are poised to transform lives, one act of kindness at a time, and bring about a brighter future for all”, he noted.

Mr Dande however called for more partnerships as it is the sure way to bridge gaps and collate resources and expertise to achieve common goals.

“Christ Addict acknowledges that partnerships are vital for bridging gaps and collating resources and expertise to achieve common goals. The organization remains committed to working hand in hand with other like-minded individuals, businesses, and organizations to create a lasting impact on the communities we serve”, he said.

One of the significant milestones, Mr Dande said, was the successful fundraising efforts of Christ Addict, raising an impressive Gh¢125,000 through various initiatives since January 2023.

Undeterred by the challenges faced, he added that the organization has set its sights even higher, to raise an additional Gh¢150,000 to continue its impactful work.

The meeting served as an opportunity to reflect on the six transformative projects executed by Christ Addict in the past six months.

“The organization's dedication to education and child welfare was evident through initiatives such as enrolling nine street children into school, providing scholarships to one student from Accra Academy, and supporting two university students in pursuing their dreams”.

“Additionally, on Easter Monday, Christ Addict Ghana fed more than 200 street children, bringing smiles to their faces and warmth to their hearts”.

In a remarkable effort to address educational disparities, Christ Addict Ghana distributed over 2,000 exercise books to students in three communities in Greater Accra and one community in the Northern Region.

Touching on the plans of the organisation, Mr Caleb Dande said they have launched the "Feed A Child" program, with the sole aim to supplement the government's school feeding program, ensuring that no child goes to school hungry.

“Another initiative, "Project 100K," aims to distribute 100,000 exercise books, stationery, and school uniforms to students in deprived communities, fostering a supportive learning environment”, he disclosed.

He further mentioned that a scholarship Fund has been established to exemplify the organization's commitment to education, which aims to provide 200 students at various academic levels with tuition fees and other necessary resources.

“Additionally, through the Vocational Training program, Christ Addict Ghana seeks to empower unskilled youth by offering training in various fields, including hairdressing, carpentry, soap making, tailoring, and car repair skills. The program also includes tutoring and equips participants with starter kits, enabling them to embark on a fulfilling career path”, he mentioned.

Recognizing the prevalence of addiction and mental health challenges, he said that Christ Addict Ghana has partnered with the Accra Psychiatric Hospital to establish a rehabilitation centre.

“This long-term endeavour aims to provide help, support, and guidance to youth battling addiction issues, ultimately helping them reclaim their lives”, he added.

As the maiden edition of the Annual General Meeting came to a close, the atmosphere was filled with hope, determination, and a shared sense of purpose.

One of the highlights of the AGM was the discussion on “Collaborative Solutions for Sustainable Development”, thus, representatives of Tribe Africa Foundation, Irish Africa Saving Lives and The Leading Africa Foundation shared solidarity messages and the need for partnership.


About Christ Addict:

Christ Addict is a nonprofit organization based in Ghana, dedicated to empowering communities and fostering positive change.  The organization founded in July 2016 by Mr Caleb Dande has spearheaded 12 projects since its inception and an increasing beneficiary list of over 2,000 people. Through a holistic approach that encompasses education, drug regulation, community development, and empowerment initiatives, Christ Addict aims to inspire transformation and create a brighter future for all. With a team of dedicated volunteers and strategic partnerships, the organization is committed to making a meaningful impact in Ghana and beyond.

For more information about Christ Addict and how to contribute or get involved, please visit www.christaddict.org.