No Formula For A Successful Marriage - Kwaku Manu

When actor Kwaku Manu and his lovely wife, Okailey, tied the knot some 14 years ago, it was his dream that they would stay together ‘till death do them part’.

His dream was, however, shattered two years ago when their nuptials took a nosedive and he and his wife had to go their separate ways, although he believes they did everything to make it work. 

This is the reason why the comic actor believes there is no formula for a successful marriage.

“It is the wish of every married man to live happily ever after, with the woman he loves, especially when they have children together. 

“I know a lot of Ghanaians want to find out what led to the breakup of my marriage but all I can say for now is that no happy couple will love to break up, especially when they share children between them. 

“You see, what might work for one couple may not work for another. I wouldn’t want to go into details about what led to the divorce, all I can say is that I am single for now,” he told Daily Graphic in an interview.

Kwaku Manu disagreed when it was pointed out to him that celebrity marriages often crash because they are in the limelight, and that might be the reason why it didn’t work out. 

He explained that marriage itself is an institution whose future no one can predict. “I have come to realise that one cannot predict whether one’s marriage will work or not. So, whether it is a celebrity marriage or not, it depends on the two individuals to make it work. But if it doesn’t, there is nothing one can do but let it go.

“Every marriage has its own challenges and I can tell you for a fact that there is no perfect marriage. Ministers, lawyers, professors and even marriage counsellors all have problems in their marriages. But because we don’t know, we might think everything is kosher with their union,” he added.

No more friends

It seems divorce is not the only challenge he has had to deal with in recent times. According to him, due to backbiting and some bad experiences he encountered in the movie industry, as well as from some friends, Kwaku Manu disclosed he didn’t have any friends.

“For the past seven years, it has been me, my children, my family and no friends. As we speak now, there is no one I can call a friend. I am mostly at home minding my business and making sure my children are okay.

“These days, I only step out if work demands I go to shoot skits or do interviews. I am most times at home spending time with my children. In fact, my life would have been worse off after the divorce if I didn’t have my children with me. I forget about my worries when I see them. So I don’t joke with them at all,” he revealed.


With the general elections coming off next year, there are no doubts most popular creatives will be approached by political parties to join their campaign train. When asked if he has yet been approached by any political party, Kwaku Manu answered in the negative.

Kwaku Manu, who has acted alongside Agya Koo, Lil Win, Nana Ama McBrown, Vivian Jill, Akrobeto and Emelia Brobbey, among others, said no political party can pay him to campaign for them.

“I am not bragging, but no amount of money can influence me to campaign for any political party, whether NPP or NDC. Unless they are willing to pay me over $1 billion, which I know they wouldn’t. I vote every four years but I believe as a celebrity, it is good not to disclose the political party you support.

Banned for 5 years

Although he will make the list when Kumawood comic actors are called, Kwaku Manu ‘reigned’ for about only three years in the movie industry, unlike colleague comic actors such as Lil Win, Agya Koo, etc. He attributes it to a five-year ban slapped on him at the peak of his career.

“Till today, I can’t tell you the reason why I was banned from the movie industry. Maybe it was because I was rising so quickly and the movie producers did not like that. They thought that banning me will be the end of Kwaku Manu but God works in a way no one can understand. I am making it today and it is all the blessings of God.”

“There is so much hatred and backbiting in the movie industry and it is about time we stopped it because it doesn’t help in any way. We are supposed to be united and fight for a common goal, but here we are fighting each other all the time. How can we expect it to grow?” he queried.

Aggressive Interview

When he wasn’t getting roles in movies, he started posting skits on YouTube. However, little did he know it was a stepping stone to something bigger.

Kwaku Manu, who is the host of the popular Aggressive Interview on YouTube, said his fans and followers started asking for interviews anytime he posted short skits and he decided to give it a try.

“I don’t have any regret starting Aggressive Interview. Instead, I have benefited a lot from meeting prominent people through the show. Aggressive Interview is not for only celebrities but anyone who has a good story to tell. I interviewed some celebrities on the show and I had pretty good comments,” he said.

Through his Aggressive Interview, Kwaku Manu has interviewed celebrities like Asamoah Gyan, Funny Face, Kyeiwa, Oboy Siki, Nana Ama McBrown, Emelia Brobbey, Vivian Jill, Wayoosi, Koo Fori, Shatta Wale, Coded, King Promise, Kofi Kinaata, Agya Koo, Shugatiti and Obinini, among others.

He revealed that YouTube pays him a lot of money, hence the motivation to always do more interviews.

“I am motivated to talk to these celebrities because Youtube pays me very well. In addition to the financial rewards, I love to hear the stories my guests tell and it is not surprising how my interviews always make headlines. I am blown away by some of the revelations they make on the show”.

Who is Kwaku Manu

Kwaku Manu was born in Obuasi in the Ashanti Region to Agya Yaw Nimo, a cobbler, and Madam Afia, a trader.

The second of six children, Kwaku Manu attended Obuasi SDA School but was unable to complete it due to financial constraints.

Kwaku Manu, who has produced movies including Poor No Friend and Don King, said he has one principle he lives by, which is to set targets for himself and make sure he achieves them. He said it had helped him a lot.

“When I plan to do something, I make sure I achieve it even if it takes me several years. I believe setting a target for yourself helps you to plan well,” he said.

Also, Kwaku Manu now wants to live a quiet life and one of the things he has done towards that is to stop posting his children on social media.