Yvonne Nelson, Sarkodie Need 'Healing'...Let's Have Human Touch For Them - Actor Adjetey Anang

Actor Adjetey Anang has called for ceasefire between rap artiste Sarkodie, whose real name is Michael Owusu Addo and actress Yvonne Nelson as they throw dirt on each other concering their past romantic affair.

Yvonne Nelson, in her memoir, accused Sarkodie of causing her to abort her pregnancy after he impregnated her in 2010 but the musician, in his response compiled in his latest song, by inference described Yvonne Nelson as a promiscuous woman.

He also stressed that the abortion was her own idea, thus it wasn't done with his consent.

Sarkodie, after releasing his song titled "Try Me [RAW]", has received a strong backlash from the public with his fellow musician Blakk Rasta calling for a ban on his music and his ambassadorial deals taken away from him.

But to Adjetey Anang, neither Sarkodie nor Yvonne Nelson deserves the harsh criticisms.

He explained that it is clear that both celebrities are utterly embittered, therefore accusing each other but what they need is healing, not a backlash.

His suggestion is for people to be sensitive to what they are going through and hope there is calm.

"These are real issues that they've brought out and me, I can't condemn anybody. I can't judge anybody. I just hope that there is a healing...until you are shaped in a certain way, you wouldn't really understand properly...so whilst we are trying to analyze these things. Let us have a human touch; be a bit sensitive to these two people that we do not break them more apart but we should find that middle ground where do we have that convergence to heal them both because you can tell that both of them are really either bitter or you know hurt", he said on "United Showbiz" on UTV.