Kennedy Agyapong Exposes Bawumia's Evil Plan Against Alan Kyerematen

In a 'tell it all' revelation that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, renowned Ghanaian politician and Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, has exposed Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's alleged ill-conceived plan to take the shine off his political opponent Hon Alan Kyeremanten at the NPP rally to round off the Assin North by election last Sunday.

While speaking to great applause at the well-attended rally, Dr Alhaji Bawumia, to the utter surprise of many and in blatant disregard to laid down protocol measures, suddenly burst through the crowd making his way to the platform.

This was contrary to laid down procedure as entrance to the podium was through the back and which was used by all the dignitaries, including President of the Republic, Nana Akufo-Addo.

The action of Dr Alhaji Buwumia, aimed to curtailing the speech of Hon Kyerematen which was then being enthusiastically cheered, had the counter effect as it rather attracted murmurings from the crowd, many of who frowned on the move as it confused them as to what was going on.

Dr Bawumia's handlers tried to explain it away as a spontaneous action. But according to Hon Agyapong, Dr Alhaji Bawumia's gatecrashing incident was not a spontaneous act all but rather a calculated move hatched in a clandestine master plot prior to the arrival of the Vice President.

Hon Kennedy Agyapong's startling revelations has laid to rest any doubts about the incident which had drawn many interpretations all round.

Hon Ken Agyapong, known for his bold and unfiltered commentary, produced evidence indicating that the incident was premeditated.

Through his investigative team, Agyapong claimed to have gained access to messages that reveal a coordinated plan to disrupt Kyeremanten's campaign speech and undermine his political aspirations.

In a series of explosive statements, Agyapong who was speaking at a post-mortem rally after the Assin-North by-election said, "There are things happening in the party that is an eye-saw. Just look at what happened at Assin North the last time, I was there."

He further revealed, "Two of the boys who worked on the stage for the final rally came to my house. These two guys complained to me that Bawumia’s people have tricked them because they questioned them about the creation of another staircase to the stage when an official one had already been erected. They were told it was for a special project. Little did they know that it was all an orchestration to disgrace Alan Kyerematen."

Ken Agyapong's claims shed light on the alleged manipulation within the NPP and raise concerns about fairness and acts of disunity within the party. He urged party members to support their preferred candidates without resorting to tactics that would discredit others. Agyapong emphasized, "If you support anybody, you can support them to the hilt, but don't try to disgrace and embarrass others, as happened to Alan."

The revelations have ignited a firestorm within the NPP and the wider political community in Ghana. The incident at Assin North highlights the intensity of the competition within the party and the underhand tactics being adopted by some of the aspirants in their bid to gain the party's nomination.

With Bawumia and Kyeremanten considered as strong contenders, tensions have been running high.

The fallout from Agyapong's revelations is likely to have significant repercussions within the NPP. The party's leadership are now faced with the challenge of investigating the allegations while striving to maintain unity and cohesion among its members. The episode also raises questions about the overall transparency of the selection process and the need for a level playing field.

As Ghanaian citizens eagerly await a fair and democratic electoral process, the upcoming elections hold great importance for the NPP's political future. It is essential that all candidates are given a fair chance to present their visions and policies to the electorate without any covert interference or sabotage.

The nation watches attentively as the investigation unfolds and more information comes to light. The NPP's response to these allegations will undoubtedly shape its future trajectory and influence public perceptions of its commitment to internal democracy. Agyapong's expose has brought the issues of transparency and fairness to the forefront of Ghanaian politics.

In the pursuit of political ambitions, maintaining integrity and adhering to democratic principles must remain paramount. Only through fair and transparent processes can Ghana move forward on a path of progress and prosperity. The NPP faces a critical juncture in its journey, and how it handles this crisis will determine its credibility and the trust placed in its leadership.