We’ll Boycott Parliament Anytime Gyakye Quayson Goes To Court - NDC MPs Warn

The Minority Members of Parliament have served notice that they will not participate in the business of the House as long as the Assin North MP, James Gyakye Quayson appears in court.

Speaking in Parliament on Tuesday (4 July) after the swearing-in of Gyakye Quayson, the Minority Leader, Cassiel Ato Forson.

“I wish to serve notice that the entire Minority group will accompany our colleague to court today and any other day that he is to appear in court,” Ato Forson said.

“Mr Speaker, we are solidarising with our colleague and we will not participate in the business of the House anytime our colleague is in court and we’ll be withdrawing from the chamber after this ceremony if the court processes indeed happens today.”

The MP-elect James Gyakye Quayson was sworn-in in Parliament by the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin into office.

Earlier, Bagbin acknowledged a confirmation letter from the Electoral Commission and used the occasion to welcome him [Gyakye Quayson] to Parliament.
The MP for Assin North was accompanied by some chiefs of the Assin North Traditional Council, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress, John Dramani Mahama, chairman of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and executives of the party.