Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill: Offenders Will Face 3 Years In Prison - Chairman of anti-gay Bill Committee Discloses

Hon. Kwame Anyimadu-Antwi, the Chairman of the Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, has enlightened Ghanaians on the provisions of the anti-LGBTQ+ bill before Parliament.

The bill, which seeks to provide the framework for proper human and Ghanaian family values, awaits its final stage of consideration to be passed into law.

The Bill will criminalize all activities of the LGBTQ+ community and offenders may face a jail term or be fined or both.

Speaking in an interview on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show, Hon. Kwame Anyimadu-Antwi disclosed the number of years one may go into prison for committing an act of homosexuality.

He stated that, under the anti-gay law, every offence associated with homosexuality is considered as a "misdemeanor".

According to him, before classifying homosexual practices under a misdemeanor, any person found guilty of engaging in unnatural carnal knowledge was to be jailed between 6 years to 10 years.

But with this Bill, "we have proposed that it must be 3 years" for the offenders, adding "the judge has a discretion to fine the person".

The anti-LBGTQ+ bill has been taken through first and second readings at Parliament and will be laid before the House again for its final conclusion.

All Members of Parliament have unanimously adopted the bill and hope to pass it.