CPMR Wins Herbal Research Company Of The Year Award

The Centre for Plant Medicine Research (CPMR) has emerged as the winner of the coveted Research Company of the Year award at the recently organized Ghana Pharma Awards 2023.

This event was held to recognize and celebrate outstanding achievements in the pharmaceutical industry in Ghana.

CPMR's groundbreaking research in herbal medicine and its commitment to the development of traditional medicine in Ghana have been recognized with this award. The company’s industrious efforts in researching and developing plant-based medicines have made a significant contribution to the country's health sector.

The CEO of the year (Herbal) award went to the Executive Director of CPMR, Prof. Alex Asase, for his visionary leadership and innovative approach in running the institution.

Speaking after the ceremony, Prof. Asase expressed his appreciation for the recognition and dedicated the award to the entire Research team and Staff at Centre. He said, “We are delighted to receive this award, and it represents recognition of the hard work of everyone at the Centre for Plant Medicine Research over the years. We are committed to promoting the use of traditional medicines in Ghana and beyond, and this award is a testament to our ongoing efforts.”